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using libreoffice version on windows 7 pro.
I open a new Draw document, I insert a pdf file dragging and dropping in it, save as .odg, click on the "export as pdf icon".
0)the "exported pdf" has the "inserted pdf" document in landscape 
rotated 90 degree clockwise and the page orientation=portrait
1)the inserted pdf file is a portrait document and as portrait is shown 
by L.O.draw in .odg file
2)the .odg file >page>properties menu shows orientation=portrait
3)if I rotate 90 degree couterclockwise the "inserted pdf" in the .odg file it result rotated (landscape) in the .ogd file in a portrait oriented page, and in the "exported pdf" the "inserted pdf" result rotated 90 degree counterclockwise (landscape) in a portrait oriented page 4)if in the case 3) I set the .odg file >page>properties menu orientation=landscape, the "exported pdf" result rotated 90 degree counterclockwise (landscape) in a landscape oriented page.
the case 4) could be a workaround to insert text fields in the .odg 
file, but I would like to have a portrait "exported pdf" in a portrait 
oriented page as it is in the .odg file, how can I get this?? or it is a 
manythanks, pier :-)

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