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MR ZenWiz schrieb am 08-Sep-18 um 05:46:
I have a background image that consume the top and left side of every
page in the document, which is what I want.

However, I can't seem to expand the left margin so that it sits inside
the image frame and make it stick when I paste the clipboard contents
on the page.  The paste spills all over the left side image.

Set the image as background image of the page and set the page margins so that the image is at the correct position. The "Border" tab of the page style dialog has a "padding" section. There you can set an additional distance between inner edge of the margin area of the page and start of the text. This padding restricts the usable area for text.

What's the best way to do this?

There exist no "best" way.

Other ideas:
Anchor the image to the header, set it to wrap-through and sent it to background. Then adapt the page margins.

Set the image as background image of the page and set the page margins so that the image is at the correct position. Do all your work in frames. For text flow to next page use linked frames.

Kind regards

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