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On 2018/06/03 17:09, Brian Barker wrote:
At 20:50 29/05/2018 +0000, Virgil Arrington wrote:
I am starting to experience more copy/paste issues similar to those described by Thomas. I am using LO with Linux Mint 18.

Today, I was working in Impress. I've been copying and pasting text from one slide to another within a single Impress presentation file. Every now and then, the copy function <Ctrl-C> does not copy the new text, so that when I press <Ctrl-V>, instead of getting the text I just copied, I get a previous copy. It also happened when I tried copying text from another program (LyX) into my LO Impress.

I have to say that the simplest explanation of this for both of you - and consequently the one recommended by Occam - is still that your copy operation - using Ctrl+C - failed to happen. Keyboards do fail or become unreliable, so this would hardly be surprising. Pardon my asking this, but when did you last remove dust, cat hair, biscuit crumbs, paper clips, and so on from your keyboard? Gravity is effective at adding these items. Do you use the "C" key often? Are you perhaps a member of the Caius College Cambridge Cricket Club?

Here's a suggestion. When you use Ctrl+C you see no feedback of the process. In other words, the behaviour is exactly the same whether the operation has succeeded or failed, so you cannot tell. This is different from using Edit | Copy, where the Edit menu disappears when the click is successful, but not otherwise. Similarly, using right-click | Copy, the context menu disappears only when your click is successful. Just test by using either of these techniques instead. If you can reproduce the problem with the *Copy* operation performed in either of these ways, there may be some underlying software problem; if not, your Ctrl+C is simply not working.

I must say this is an entirely new behavior for me and my copy of LO. It not only happened when copying and pasting from another program to LO, but also from one slide to another within LO itself. I'll keep an eye on it and try to see any consistency in the behavior. So far, it has been intermittent.

Again, this is all consistent with a hardware problem.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

Good evening
I do not want to be awkward, but this behavior seems to affect ONLY Libreoffice.
(it did not bother me for 1-2 weeks now)

Trying to copy one word selected in a text editor works just fine in ALL softwares I tried EXCEPT Writer - which insists on inserting some earlier selection (when it is in the mood to).
How can this be a hardware problem?

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