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On 04/19/2018 09:45 PM, Cley Faye wrote:
2018-04-20 1:33 GMT+02:00 Tim-L <>:

How to make specific fonts embedded into the .odt file that has been
exported to a PDF file.

​This point is not clear. Do you want to embed fonts in a PDF (easy-ish,
see later) or in a ODT that is itself embedded in the PDF (as far as I
know, not feasible right now)?​

So, how do you make sure Export to PDF will embed the needed fonts for all
your specific fonts needs?  I do not want to uninstall the fonts buried and
protected in some system folder, or use some package like Synaptic Package
Manager. I cannot go to my systems and play a game with my installed fonts
every time I need to use a new one.

This may be a simple answer, like it is no issue at all anymore, but I
need to make sure.
​From recent discussions on either this list or the french one, subsets of
required fonts should be automatically embedded into a PDF export EXCEPT if
the font file explicitely sets a flag to not be embeded. It is something
font specific and made to accomodate licensing issues. That's why there are
no option to actually embed fonts. Some viewers (okular comes to mind)
allows you to easily know what is embedded in the PDF and what isn't.​

PDF - embedded font in some cases. ODT or DOC - embedded only when truly 

Years ago, I sent a PDF file using specific fonts that 99.9% of users would not have installed on their system, There were problems with trying to get the needed font[s] to view correctly to the person I sent the PDF document to.
To get around that problem, was to send the font to the person who was 
going to print copies for his meeting. That was a private action and 
could be a legal nightmare.
I really prefer to send a PDF document, but if I must, I will send an 
editable document for them to add/modify the text or add images. Then 
they sent it back to me for more cleanup and my edits. I get that a lot 
with posters and newsletters.
What I am doing now is sending posters and other documents to people who 
need them for meetings, or other needs for printed materials I make for 
them.  Also, I have had to pass the documents back-and-forth to get it 
right. If they did not have the fonts in the documents, then it will not 
look like what I see.  There use to be a limited font embedding use 
where only the characters used are embedded and not the full list of 

Jonathon -

Yes I know the file can balloon in size, but it may be needed if you have to use a specific character[s] that are in a font of "specialized" font.
Look at the font called "Humeur.ttf".  It is a set of face icons in a 
single font.  How about a bar code font?  How about a font that is all 
Hieroglyphs or other non-Latin characters.
If I/they need to have these fonts used for my/their documents, it may 
be less of a file size to include the font[s] than adding 20 to 50 large 
image files containing the same characters or glyphs.
I prefer sending final documents via PDF, but I have had to send then in 
DOC/DOCX format.  Most of the people I deal with these days do not have 
LibreOffice, since their bosses requires the work done with Word.  Since 
the boss pays for MS-Office, he/she does not want them using anything else.
Yes, I try to use as many free fonts as possible when I need something 
that might not be in their font list. Of course, I have the Microsoft 
core fonts installed. I do not have the Adobe 2000-something font set 
currently installed, but I have it if I need one for those people who 
have the Adobe fonts installed. To be honest, I have had over 500 font 
files installed before, though I try to keep the file count lower than 
200 or 300. I have over 150,000 font files in my font collection - i.e. 
14+ GB.  I pull certain fonts out and place them in the ".font" folder 
[Ubuntu] when I need them. Later, I will remove them and add different 
fonts for other projects.
It is nice to have free fonts that look very similar to paid versions. I 
use to look for these free fonts and lave them in a list.  That 
"similar" font is something I look at for Cascading Style Sheets in web 
pages I create or monitor for others.
Below are two lines of "code".  I listed similar fonts most likely 
installed on a Windows or Apple system. This is to help make the view of 
the pages look similar across several platforms. This goes the same for 
which fonts I use in the posters or other documents that have needed 
fonts that may not be on the other user's systems. You can see the 
list[s] of font names.  This list goes from preferred to less preferred 
fonts, so the reader will view the documents with the same look and feel 
that I am trying to get across.
"font-family: "Tahoma", "Geneva", "Verdana", "Arial", "Hevetica", 
"Trebuchet MS", "Monico", san-serif;"
"font-family: "Georgia", "Palantino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", "Times 
New Roman", "Times", serif;"
For ODT or DOC documents, if I really need the font, then I have to 
embed it for the co-authors to do their part of the work and not loose 
the look and feel.  Of course by a simple change in the font used, the 
format of the document can change. Some are wider, while other are 
narrower. Some have different spacing between one line of text to the 
next one below it. I got "bit" by this when I was told that the document 
should have a newly specific font instead of the one they originally 
wanted.  It messed the alignment of the pages, images attached to the 
specific line of text.  The worse was having a newsletter that was 4 
pages [double sided and folded tabloid sheet] go over to a part of a 5th 
So getting the right font, and keeping it "attached" to the document is 
a concern to me.

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