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Enviar: martes 17 de abril de 2018 a las 22:44
De: anne-ology <>
Asunto: Re: [libreoffice-users] [Copying slides from one presentation to another]

       Thank you for responding; maybe you've figured this out for me.

       I'll be attempting this soon,

Do you have the help files installed? I don't generally use Impress, but I know from changes in 
Writer that I have had to look for things (including the Insert Document function from 5.x). I just 
opened Impress ( and a) (based on Virgil's reply), found the insert file function slide 
function (oddly to me, under Slide rather than Insert) and b) checked the help file which in an 
sub-entry for insert has instructions for inserting either a whole file or selected slides.

This is similar to changes in Writer, although, actually, more accessible in the Impress help file 
than the Writer one. Actually, I cannot find equivalent help in Writer at the moment as the Insert 
document is now handled by Insert text from document which I do not see documented or at least 
clearly indexed (at least in my Spanish-language help files), neither do I see the possibility of 
selecting only part of the text before insertion (which makes the label for the command misleading).

Anne and Virgil,

I am not sure why some menus have changed, but I think that we have to recognize that LO faces two 
issues. First, some of the menus are exceedingly long at this point (at least in Writer) and so 
subject to reorganization. Second, some functions may be redone rather than completely lost, and 
redoing should, perhaps be our first assumption leading us to either hunt around, check the help 
files, or, later, resort to the forum.

In addition, since we are using the bleeding edge version of LO, we have to expect not only 
changes, but perhaps some flaws in those changes and be prepared to give feedback. I have 
discovered one problem with resizing related to Gtk3 in 6.0. I find one change in Word annoying 
(where one could formerly create columns by marking the text and clicking "columns" and now must 
insert a section and then the text in the section). There feedback is the crucial thing. The column 
command change may be related to changing and expanding functionality or simply a lack of 
understanding of good workflow for the users (although I will give the benefit of the doubt here). 
In this case I am foregoing feedback at the moment because, while I find the prior organization 
more flexible and reasonable in terms of workflow, I cannot say it impedes my work. It simply 
changes the order in which I do things.


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