Dear Libreoffice users and hackers,
Since I am working with the Libreoffice build
ID.1.1:6.0.2~rc1-0ubuntu0.16.04.1.lo1., on an Ubuntu/with KDE plasma, post
installed 16.04 (Dell note book) I am having trouble in creating tables.
The symptoms are as follows:
1. Using the table button on the toolbar I create an table (doesn't matter
which size), and independently of the default font configuration, it sets the
table to the Liberation Serif, 12 pica and also it set the table to the table
of content Style. If I try to change the font in the table of content style it
dos not have any effect on the text in the table. I can change font type and
size manually by marking the whole table and applying manually the fon I want
and the font size.
But If I move, change any cell size or column it unformats everything back to
the Liberation Serif, 12 Font and size adn on top of that applyed border
format play havock and dissappear or appear randomly.
I've been googling around and I found that a couple of versions behind very
few people were complaining of this same problem and saying this is an LO Bug.
Does someone have any idea if this is really a bug or am I wrong.
2. A second problem I found at this very moment, when I tryed to edit an input
list field, and the editor didn't came up to add new items to the list.
Does someone found something similar?
Thanks in advance for any enlightenment.
Dr. Ralf Kersanach
Laboratório de Genética
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
Avenida Itália s/n
CEP 96203-900, Bairro Carreiros
Rio Grande, RS
Tel.: +.55.53.3293.5128
Cel.: +
e-mail: dmbralf"at"
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- [libreoffice-users] Table formatting problem and input list function not editable · Ralf Kersanach
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