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Hi Brian, Michael, et al,

Brian, yes, the procedure you gave works, as stated.

But, now I realized that I can't expand the spreadsheet to make
additional days by copying the previous day of data. So, I have a few
days of data, but need to duplicate those columns so I can have more
days worth of data to log new quantities of data for each of the new days.

And, no matter how I copy it, the formulas are not copied properly. I
can see the corrupted formulas after the copy operation. And, I can edit
each cell to make it right, but it's far to much effort/time to edit all
the formulas in each of the columns. I want 365 days worth of data, each
day has 8 entries, so I would have to edit almost 3000 (365*8)
individual formulas.

I think Michael might be on the right track and has given me some input
regarding what to search the help file for. Some of the data should
indeed NOT be changed, while some of it should!!! I had no idea that
absolute or partial absolute address existed! It's a diet spreadsheet,
so 7 columns have to refer back to the columns that need to retrieve the
raw data on calories, carbs etc. And that data does not change. Let me
try to decipher the help file, although many times it doesn't help much
because I don't understand so many of the terms it refers to-so I get
lost easily. Somewhat of a spreadsheet newbie.


On 03/02/2018 11:05 PM, Brian Barker wrote:
At 21:45 02/03/2018 -0500, Bonly "Art" Bonly  wrote:
I did the complete duplicate on a new sheet ...
That sounds as if you copied and pasted "on a new sheet". Have you
also tried copying the sheet using the technique I described -
creating the new sheet in the process - instead?

Brian Barker

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