On 02/24/2018 05:19 AM, Italo Vignoli wrote:
On 24/02/2018 09:35, zahra a wrote:
since i am not programmer and cant use linux, i should use xp.
Everyone can use Linux, not only developers. I have a degree in
humanities and have never written a single line of code, but I am a very
happy Linux user and will never switch back to macOS or Windows. Windows
XP has been deprecated by Microsoft in 2014, so the operating system is
not maintained and is not secure. You should definitely try something
Here is a reply for a few posts.
I use to program main frame computers and my first PC was a PC-XT
generic system with dual floppies. In the past 20+ years, I did do some
small stuff with various languages, but went with C/C++ maybe 10 years
ago, but I am not really a PC programmer.
I learned about Linux, RedHat and others, in a class for a Network
Technology degree. During the Vista era, I needed to do some
audio/video work and the Windows packages were more than 4 times my
rent. I then bought a "low cost" desktop for a Linux box. I loved all
of the free stuff. Then with the knowledge that half my processing
power went to anti virus and other security packages, I started to use
Ubuntu 9.10 on a newly bought desktop. That one now has 6.25TB of
storage space. Two of my laptops have Ubuntu MATE and Windows 10
installed, and the newest runs only Ubuntu MATE.
Robert The custom install as you stated seems to come up in Windows, not
DEB based Linux install, unless you install through the repository, and
package managers like Synaptic.
Henri I did not look to see Base, since I did not use it. Yes, the Math,
Draw, and Base, seems not to be installed by default. Since the
repository usually have an older versions of LO. It looked like Ubuntu
MATE had LO 5.1.x as their included version. After I updated the old
computer, I installed 5.4.6. I have 6.0.1 on the laptop I am typing
this. - - - - - Thanks to all your comments. This thread was started
when I was given a really old HP Pavilion alll8x desktop. It was a 64
bit CPU running Windows XP [32 bit] and only 512MB RAM and 160 GB drive.
I found two 512MB memory modules/sticks and with them I have about 800MB
of RAM after the "shared video memory". I may install a second IDE/PATA
drive with a 80GB on. I really did not want to spend money on this old
base model desktop. Since I really did not want to install XP on it,
then use a Win7 upgrade disk to get a more modern Windows OS. Since MATE
desktop environment was stated to be a good option for the old Win XP
users, I installed Ubuntu Mate on it. Also, even if I installed Win7,
half of the processor power would be used for the needed security
packages. I have been adding various packages to the system;
LibreOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Chrome [for those who want it], GIMP,
VLC, Education software packages, Sound Converter, XPad, font manager,
and other packages that might be useful. I did remove a lot of fonts
like the massive collection of Thai fonts. Over half of the fonts
installed seemed to be Thai fonts. Also, from a different post, I added
K3b CD/DVD burner - that I use all the time. That required some KDE
runtime package. There was a comment about using Kubuntu on the old
desktop. I wanted the system be setup so all the user would need to do
is install the printer they may have. Or use Ubuntu Software Center, and
the newer software center installed with Ubuntu MATE 16.04, to add some
other packages they might want. To be honest, the system is set up to
not need a password to load, but has a root password that is the model
version till the user changes it.
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] what version of LO would work on a really old system? (continued)
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