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i wished that LO has one version for home users to not install
engineering programs like math, draw, base.
i only need writer and have to have one office suite which most
features are for engineers, businesses, companies etc.
since i am not programmer and cant use linux, i should use xp.

On 2/24/18, Tim-L <> wrote:
Hey Guys.  I found two 512MB memory sticks.  It now gives me about 800MB
after the shared video memory.

Did you know that the Ubuntu repositories do not install LO Math with
LO?  Found that out about an hour ago.

On 02/23/2018 03:40 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Yeh, the KDE people put a serious amount of work into it a lot lighter and
faster. Initially i only tried it out for a laugh but i was quite
flabergasted at how phenomenally slick it had become.
Regards from
a Tom :)

On 23 February 2018 at 18:11, David Burleigh <>

It's interesting to hear of Kubuntu working well on an old machine.
When I last tried using it a few years ago, Nepumuk and Aconadi bogged
it down so much that it became unusable.
On Fri, 2018-02-23 at 16:42 +0000, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Would Gnome Office (ie Abiword and Gnumeric) be better?

Also last time i tried distro-hopping on 'old' machines i found that
Kubuntu was much faster and lighter-weight than even Lubuntu and
There was a ton of stuff to figure out and apps etc to add o really
get the
most out of it but the default set-up looks really swish and is very
usable.  Perhaps best to let the new owner enjoy their own voyage of
discovery.  Kubuntu uses a different office suite and i found that
so light
and fast that i didn't bother to try out LibreOffice on it.
KOffice/Calligra uses the same file-formats as LibreOffice.

Regards from
a Tom :)

On 23 February 2018 at 14:43, M Henri Day <>

2018-02-23 3:02 GMT+01:00 Tim-L <>:

I am getting an old HP desktop, that originally WinXP, ready to
It has 64-bit AMD 3300+ CPU, 512MB ram, and only 160GB
drive.  It was an
original Windows XP 32-bit OS system on a 64-bit hardware. Since
it needs
ALL of the old user's info removed, and XP OS "damaged", It was
better to
just make it a Linux system - for security reasons.

I just installed Ubuntu MATE 16.04 64-bit on it.  Their specs
32-bit would be best but the system keeps failing due a SIS630

So with these specs, what is the newest version of LO you would
With this low RAM, it may not be able to handle the newest
versions. As I
type this, the old system is now in the "software updating"
cycle.  So,
is installing the newest LO that is in Ubuntu 16.04's

To be honest, this system is a little old for my needs, but for
a free
giveaway system [HP desktop, keyboard, mouse, and a HP "square"
15 inch
monitor], I do not have any parts to upgrade it and do not want
to buy
hardware for it.

So, what is the newest version I can install without and

Tim, if you've managed to successfully install 64-bit Ubuntu MATE
16.04 on
this system, you should be able to install and run any version of
LO - why
not take the latest, 6.0.1 (or 6.0.2 to which LO just updated
itself via
the PPA om my Linux box) ? The only thing I'd recommend beyond
this would
be installing a bit more RAM. Even if you've made clear that you
don't wish
to buy any hardware for it, you should be able to obtain some used
sticks, which the motherboard is almost certain to support, for
next to
nothing, which would make a great deal of difference in how you
the computer (the system requirements for 64-bit LO 6.0.1 are
listed as 256
MB RAM, with 512 MB recommended)....


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imam ali

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