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MR ZenWiz wrote:
On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Marc Paré <> wrote:
Could you please tell us the version of LibreOffice you are using?

LibreOffice is run by volunteers and sometimes items (such as help
items) are still in the "catch-up" phase.

Additionally, feel free to note any help issues on this list and one of
us will try to confirm and submit a bug for you. Or, you could also help
by submitting a bug yourself so that it may be fixed. We welcome new bug
submitters quite happily.

Thanks for helping out and letting us know if that particular issue.

I'd be happy to file a bug, except I don't see a bug report option or
link at TDF's web site, and my freedesktop bugzilla login doesn't list
LO as a product against which to tile a bug.

Short answer: it's now at <>

To find your way there from the <> home page, select Get Involved > Testing - QA from the menu at the top of the page, and then there's a link to "File a bug". I thought at one time the bug tracker was linked directly from the menu on the home page, but I may be mistaken...

The LibreOffice bug tracker was moved from a couple of years ago. If you had an account on, you might be able to continue using the same username after resetting your password. At least that was possible immediately after the migration; I don't know if there was a time limit on reactivating accounts from the old system on the new. Even if you can remember your password from, you'd need to reset it since only usernames, not the associated passwords, were migrated.

If you have the time and want to work more directly on updating / correcting the documentation, you may like to take a look at <>.


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