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On 11.12.2017 23:28, Krunose wrote:

On 11.12.2017 23:06, Ricardo Berlasso wrote:
2017-12-11 22:49 GMT+01:00 Krunose <>:


I don't know if this is a known thing but I use LO for a long time now and never noticed this: I inserted page brake with new page style and direct formated first paragraph. Now, if I copy that paragraph to other part of a
document -- paragraph is copied with page the page style inserting page
brake. That's weird.

Page breaks are a property of the paragraph: you'll find them on the "text
flow" tab of the paragraph properties or paragraph style. This is by
design: Writer is "content focused" instead of "page focused", so is the
text what define where a page break goes. By default, when you insert a
manual page break it get associated with the paragraph immediately after
that break and that's why when you copy that paragraph you are also copying
the page break.

I understand that page brake is property associated with next paragraph, but I don't think it should get copied. What If I need only one word from a paragraph that has hundred words -- I don't think page brake should get copied with that only one word.

What I want to do is copy text, not paragraph. It's like copying text from a rendered web page: I want text, not div wrapping it.

I get 'by design' part, but think it should be done a little bit more sensitive. I know no other word processor that does it this way.

And it does not happen if you paste in paragraph that already have text, only if paste to empty paragraph. Not consisted.


OK, apparently I get what I want if I do CTRL + Shift + V and choose unformatted text, but then 'unformatted' is misleading. Philip pointed me to a right keyboard shortcut but out of curiosity: is it possible to ditch page brake when copying? Is this new thing or I just never hit this before?

I can browse trough archive if it was discussed already.



What's even more weird is that pasting as unformatted with CTRL + Shift +
V pastes text without page break but with direct formating. Pasting as
unformatted text does not strips formating, just page brake.

I'm on Debian using LibreOffice 5.7.2 with Croatian interface and locale

Can anybody comment and provide more info if this is known thing?



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