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On the "Projects" list, there is a link to the claiming of badges.

One thing I saw was the fact that people who help others in this list is not counted for claiming badges. I do not use "Ask LibreOffice", yet, that is the only place to help users if you want to claim a badge. As I said, I do not use Ask LibreOffice, just the email list service. There are a lot people here that help users.  I do not know how many of these users are answering these questions over the ones who answering on Ask LibreOffice.

If only the people using Ask LibreOffice get recognized for helping others, it seems to me that people who help others on this list are not counted as helping others.  Are these lists no longer the place to help users and will be dropped soon? That is the only way I can get my head around the fact that the helpers are not counted in the "badge page"

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