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On 12/06/2017 05:44 PM, toki wrote:
On 12/06/2017 04:49 PM, Tim-L wrote:
Do you think my checklist should include EuroOffice for Android, and
Yes, if they are free and are forks of the original
EuroOffice for Android is gratis.
Android OpenOffice has a pay-to-remove-advertising option.

I never seen an advertisement when using Android OpenOffice.  But I do not use it much.

I really do not like some of these ad-based free Android apps.  They are starting to run LOUD ones when you start them up or close them. I find it is a problem when I am in a public setting and the ad comes on to promote "silly" game apps much louder than my cell phone's ringtone.

People who are marketing LibreOffice need an easy to read comparison of
each version that run on their systems.
Is that a request for a list of the differences between:
* The same version of LibO, on different platforms. (BSD, Mac, Windows,
Linux, Chrome, etc.);
* Different versions of LibO. ( 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 6.0 alpha, etc.);

I'm in the middle of creating a spreadsheet, that lists the major new
features of each version, from roughly OOo 3.0. Currently, I've got a
skeleton for OOo, NeoOffice, Oxygen Professional, LibO, EO, and AOo.
I think listing LibreOffice runs on all of the OSs it supports.  As for the different release versions of LibreOffice, I think maybe there should be some information about why we have a "fresh" line of LO and a "stable" line - i.e. 5.4.3 vs. 5.3.7.

list of large companies and government agencies that has switched to LibreOffice over MS Office.

Doesn't somebody in marketing maintain a webpage with that information?
OTOH, I've come across a couple of organisations that don't want their
migration to become public knowledge.


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