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I use Ubuntu 17.04 also, including the Libreoffice packages installed directly from Ubuntu. The default install excludes Base, and if you can't open a database, it seems like you don't have Base installed. sudo apt install libreoffice-base should fix that,

For reports the packages you need are libreoffice-report-builder and libreoffice-report-builder-bin. Use sudo apt install libreoffice-report-builder* and they should install.


On 28/11/17 08:45, Peter wrote:
I reinstalled Libre Office  Base from the Ubuntu repository. I assumed that this wouls automatically install all necessary packages. a=There is nothing that I can find in the__Ubuntu Software Repository that appears to relate to reports for LibreBase.  How can i find out what packages I have installed and what packages are required forreports to work.  I have an old data base which has not been uses since January 2015 which I tried to open today. This will no longer open for any thing , no forms or views or tables can be opened.


On 28/11/17 04:50, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Peter,

Libre Base 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial2

Ubuntu 16.4

When I first found the problem I removed LibreBase and reinstalled it
but the problem with reportsremained the  same.
This is a special Ubuntu-version of LO. Have a look into your
packagemanager. Did you install all packages for the
libreoffice-report-builder? Have heard there isn't only one package,
which should be installed for reports with the Ubuntu-version of LO.



*Keith Bates**

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