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Hi Joe and all:

    In Ubuntu there is a program in their Repositories, called Ubuntu Restricted Extras. This contained programs for music, dvd and more as I know. One program that it installs as I could see is ttf-mscorefonts ( And request agree with license). I don't know if it is possible to install ttf-mscorefonts alone.


Jorge Rodríguez

El 10/11/2017 a las 12:31, Tim-L escribió:
On 11/10/2017 10:20 AM, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Joe,
Never heard LO will install ttf-mscorefonts. On my system (OpenSUSE) is
a special script to download ttf-mscorefonts. It has nothing to do with
LO. Could be there is the same script for Ubuntu. So start this script
with your installer.



I have seen this font installer outside LO.  It was in my Ubuntu 16.04 repository. BUT, it will not install since it seems to require getting the package from an off-repository site. Since these fonts are from MS, and the installer seems to be a .exe file, it is not available-maybe.

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