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On 11/09/2017 05:28 PM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

Errm, seriously, not really, other than perhaps just focussing on one area of the code.


thereby making it difficult to have increasing in-depth knowledge and insights. That knowledge 
kind of tends to be assumed.

Not to mention that there used to be a great set of developer
documentation.  I didn't grab it back when it was available, thinking it
would always be available, and today it is nowhere to be found.

I would probably need several lifetimes to become proficient enough in programming in C++

At least it isn't APL.

I'm delving into the "expert configuration" in ">Tools >LibreOffice
Advanced >Open Expert Configuration", trying to figure out how to get
LibO to behave the way I want it to.
And to find out what those options do, I have to study the source.


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