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(resent - I think the 1st copy is stuck in moderation. Thanks to those who replied meanwhile)
On 06/11/17 15:02, Gilles Gravier wrote:

For me, it's downloading... I'm at 25% and no specific issue. I copy
pasted your line directly.

Try again now? Maybe a network or a server error that has since been fixed?
Thanks for the reply. red face time here: coming back, I found a 
straightforward typo on my command line. Which, being in a virtual 
machine, I'd retyped (correctly) when posting from my real desktop. (In 
mitigation, I'd left out the 'o' in libreoffice, which was just about at 
the line-wrap. You always see what you expect to see!)
Problem fixed. But just how long should I expect for LO to build? I've 
seen estimates on the net of and hour or two on a less powerful 
processor than my own: but I've always had the impression it would be a 
seriously long time.

Mike Scott
Harlow, Essex, England

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England
"The only way is Brexit" -- anon.

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