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On 30.10.2017 14:41, Jack Wallen wrote:
I'm an author. I've been using LO for a very long time. However,
recently I changed editors to one who does all of her editing within
comments. Yesterday I opened the file she'd just edited, to find it
unusable. Trying to scroll through the document was painfully slow. I
saved the file to .docx format, opened in Apple Pages, and it had no

I did a bit of searching to find this a common issue with LO (documents
with hundreds or thousands of comments becoming unusable). Thing is, I
could not find a work-around. Is this going to be the deal breaker, or
is there a solution for this issue?

Thank you so much for any input anyone might have.


Well, if you have very long document, you should consider using Master Document where you write every chapter in separate document and Master Document acts as container. You don't edit Master Document, you just print it.

Having long text splitted in smaller chunks may help you with the problem. Just remember to send all chapters (as separate documents) to your editor.

Consult documentation about this.


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