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On 10/27/17 2:07 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 27/10/2017 à 04:47, Eric Beversluis a écrit :

Hi Eric,

It is a known bug when the default page size is Letter, and with at
least some printers. As we don't have a list of all of the printers
where the problem is shown to exist, I can't say "all" printers.


You can add the Samsung CLP 315 color laser printer to your list.

I also have LO on a couple Windows computers, but this printer is a USB connection to my Mac, so I export the files created on Windows to PDF, where things are fine.

Removing your LO profile on OSX will probably not solve it. For the
record, it can be found in your user account "Application Support"
folder, which is hidden by default (because Apple doesn't want you
messing around in there and has decided that it is for your own good).

The only known workarounds are :

- slightly adjusting the page size in the LibreOffice page properties
before you print, say by 2 tenths of an inch ;


- in the OSX Print Dialog, entering one of the non-LibreOffice print
properties (i.e. colour management, or psnup (n° of pages to print per
page of paper), or brochure management) and then coming back to the
default LibreOffice print properties;

The reason that this bug hasn't yet been fixed is that the majority of
developers working on LO either voluntarily or as employees of a
development/support company do so (1) on Linux, and (2) do not work in
North America, so their default page size is A4 rather than Letter.

The worst of it is that this is a bug that keeps coming back repeatedly
over several release versions and no-one seems to be able to nail it
down properly and kill it once and for all. One would have thought that
getting printing right, or at least getting it to print to the required
page size would be easy - not so, it seems.

Sure does make it hard for me to conscientiously recommend LO to others. :-(

Bugs known and referenced in the LibreOffice bug tracker:

Good luck !


Mac OS X 10.11.6
Firefox 53.0.2  (64 bit)
Thunderbird 52.0
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
     and it's gone!"

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