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On October 27, 2017 at 04:07:44, Alexander Thurgood ( wrote:
that the majority of > developers working so (1) on Linux,

So it’s a Mac-specific bug? That would fit with my never experiencing it in 12+ years of 
OpenOffice/LibreOffice. (I recently “inherited” the Macbook Pro I’m now using.) The problem occurs 
both with my Brother HL-1440 running through a print server that shows up as PS-742289-U1 and with 
my Brother MFC-6890CDW connected by Ethernet to my router.

I updated my default template with the 8.51 page size. This works with new documents. But I’m not 
getting the “template has been modified” dialog when I open an old document. Is that absent in Mac 

Eric Beversluis  
Short fiction at

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