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Just a thought, haven't had a chance to doodle. Using an XSLT XML filter (under Tools) it should be possible to create/edit colour palettes in Calc. Will have a go at modifying one of my custom filters when I have a chance.


On 17/10/17 12:29, Tim-L wrote:
2) Creating a color palette SOC file.

I am not a "good typist", but if I had a small list of colors - under 20 - including the name and color code, it could take less than 10 minutes by using a small pre-made color palette as the template.  If a person has a sheet of instructions, it could be just as easy for them.

With the list of colors in LibreOffice's branding color list, it should take very little time to make a new color palette file. Even with my typing skills, it should not take even 20 or 30 minutes for the entire process.

3)  No need to hire.

SO, it does not need to hire someone to create the color palette. It could be as easy as a 1 page instructional document, a small palette template file, using Writer or text editor, a list of colors used, and a good typist.

Am I laboring under the delusion, that it can be very easy to do and does not need hired help?  I do not think so.

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