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At 08:02 27/09/2017 -0700, Cia Franz wrote:
I have a problem with recalculate in a file.

Er, no: you don't!

I have imported some data from Börse Frankfurt and I have made a spreadsheet with some formulas. The calculate from row 5 to row 10 are correct, but from row 11 to row 13 not.

That's simply untrue. In your example file, *all* those rows show #VALUE! for some results, as you are trying to calculate with values expressed as text.

I tried to recalculate but without success.

If you have set up a calculation that doesn't work, why on earth would you expect a recalculation to behave differently? If the M40 doesn't get you to Cambridge, would you try that way again and hope for different results?

I have noticed that the format of columns of "bind" and "Ask" (columns M and N) was text, not numbers. After I have changed these (with regular expressions), the spreadsheet has become correct.

Good-oh! Problem solved. (The better solution is to select appropriate cell formats for columns in the Text Import window.)

At 01:53 28/09/2017 -0700, Cia Franz wrote:
I copied and pasted. There isn't spaces (I have checked it) :)

It makes no sense to attempt to deny the facts! Those text values *do* have trailing spaces. But that's irrelevant, as it is not the problem.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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