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Hi Alex,

I've looked at bug 95191 and the description is exactly what I am
experiencing on the User's Mac!!  Thanks for alerting me.  It has saved me
spending any more time on the problem.

So, I need a plan B.  I wondered about Web Hosting my Accounting
application, but a cursory look at that, suggests that it would be quite a
task.  For starters, just finding a Web host that can handle the H2
database looks like it would be quite difficult.  Do you know of any such

Failing that, I think I'll opt for using Team Viewer from the Mac to my
Windows PC.  I use Team Viewer sometimes for supporting a remote client,
and I know it works.  Not an ideal solution, but at least a stop gap until
some better solution comes along.

Thanks again for all your help.

Noel Lodge

On 22 September 2017 at 02:17, Alexander Thurgood <>

Le 21/09/2017 à 15:16, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

If you are using macros to open windows/dialogs in your database, then
you need to be aware of bug 95191. It is quite a serious hindrance to
cross-platform Base implementation, and has been around now for nearly 2


Hi Alexander & Robert,

Thank you both for your responses and suggestions.  Sorry about the
reply - I've had limited access to the User's Mac.

It is with a rather red face that I report that the problem was caused by
me forgetting to load a Library file of 45 functions that I have written
which form a central part of the system!  The Library file is loaded
My Macros | Standard and is stored with LO files.  It is not part of the
.odb file.  I do it that way because the functions are common to all the
databases I have written.

When I've forgotten to load the Library other times, (on Windows PCs),
I've had an error message when the database has been initializing,
me it can't find a particular function, and this has alerted me to what
problem is.  But the Mac reacted differently, so I assumed that it was a
Mac problem.  Bad assumption!  Sorry I bothered you.

However, I did unzip the .odb file as you suggested, and examining the
alerted me to all the calls to the Library functions.  So your advice did
lead me to the solution.  Once the Library file was in place, all the
Queries, Forms and Reports magically appeared!

Much of the system is now working, but I'm still having problems opening
the main menu.  I discovered that I have used a few calls to Windows
functions, which naturally, the Mac takes a very dim view of!  I've
down several of these, but I think there must be more.  I knew that
to the Mac would be difficult, but I'm now hopeful that I'll get there in
the end.

Many thanks for your help

Noel Lodge

On 15 September 2017 at 16:50, Alexander Thurgood <>

Le 15/09/2017 à 04:36, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

I don't know of any particular configuration setting that might cause
this, unless there is something physically wrong with the file itself.

Some possibilities to explore :

- if you have automatic document backups (AutoSave) configured on the
Mac LO, turn that off, restart LO and see if it makes a difference.
There is/was a known bug that affected the display of some ODB files
when this option was activated ;

- compare the files on both OSes to check that they are identical (in
structure and content) by unzipping each one ;

- when you create a query in H2 via LO, is it stored within the H2
database schema, for which the LO ODB would merely contain a reference
(with a file path, which would be different between Win/Mac)  OR is the
query stored within the LO ODB in full SQL ?

The fact that you can't see any of the Queries, Reports, Forms, might
indicate a problem with the paths in the XML sections of the ODB file
that defines each of these.


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