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Le 15/09/2017 à 04:36, Marion & Noel Lodge a écrit :

Hi Noel,

I don't know of any particular configuration setting that might cause
this, unless there is something physically wrong with the file itself.

Some possibilities to explore :

- if you have automatic document backups (AutoSave) configured on the
Mac LO, turn that off, restart LO and see if it makes a difference.
There is/was a known bug that affected the display of some ODB files
when this option was activated ;

- compare the files on both OSes to check that they are identical (in
structure and content) by unzipping each one ;

- when you create a query in H2 via LO, is it stored within the H2
database schema, for which the LO ODB would merely contain a reference
(with a file path, which would be different between Win/Mac)  OR is the
query stored within the LO ODB in full SQL ?

The fact that you can't see any of the Queries, Reports, Forms, might
indicate a problem with the paths in the XML sections of the ODB file
that defines each of these.


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