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I get that issue many times with 64-bit DEB version.

A lot of the times when I see that issue I do a "trick". I choose a different printer, then do a "print preview". After that, I go back to the original printer and look at the print preview option. Sometimes that works. Why - who knows. If it does not work the first time, I try going to a different printer on my network, Most times the "trick" works after the second try.

I have 2 Canon inkjet printers that I use most, and the newest has an internal "filter" deciding what paper tray "IT" wants the document paper type will be printed. With the "bug" of not allowing the user to choose paper orientation, paper tray, and even paper size, is the biggest issue I have right now.

Yes, the orientation issue is a pain to deal with, along with the other printing controls, but there is at least an option to export it it a PDF file and use your PDF document reader and print the document[s] from that package. It still is a pain to do this. Hopefully the bug will be fixed soon, like other ones that creep up from time to time.

On 09/16/2017 09:04 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
Mac OS X 10.11.6

I create a document in portrait orientation.

Print Preview is correct.

PDF export is correct.

Printing is not.  The document displays and print as landscape.

Create a landscape document, and printing is correct.


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