On 28/08/17 10:24, Cley Faye wrote:
2017-08-27 15:47 GMT+02:00 Marion & Noel Lodge <lodgemn@gmail.com>:
I have a Studio Logic MIDI music keyboard which I have plugged into my PC
via a USB cable. Windows has automatically installed the appropriate
driver/s. I am attempting to read the MIDI input from the keyboard as I
want to see if I can use a Macro to modify the sound before it goes to the
speaker. (Actually I want to try to programmatically mix sine waves like
a Hammond Organ does - it may not be possible, but I'd like to give it a
​Maybe I misunderstood something, but I don't see how this is related to
LibreOffice in any way. While it is true that it is possible to write
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail :-}
I think the OP sounds muddled. Recording midi signals isn't going to
help (much) with a wish to "programmatically mix sine waves" -- chalk
and cheese, I think. Which thinking is amplified by the bit about
"modify the sound before it goes to the speaker". I doubt (nay, hope) LO
will ever offer a full-blown synth!!
I /think/ the OP is looking at a midi synthesiser plus a mixer. A doddle
on linux to sling something together -- I'd be looking at qsynth, jack
and jack_mixer as a start point. Maybe they'll run on windows..... I'd
not know. I'd most certainly /not/ be looking to do any usb-level
programming; that bit's already been done.
Or maybe I've totally mis-understood.
Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis] scottsonline.org.uk)
Harlow Essex England
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