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2017-08-27 15:47 GMT+02:00 Marion & Noel Lodge <>:

I have a Studio Logic MIDI music keyboard which I have plugged into my PC
via a USB cable.  Windows has automatically installed the appropriate
driver/s.  I am attempting to read the MIDI input from the keyboard as I
want to see if I can use a Macro to modify the sound before it goes to the
speaker.   (Actually I want to try to programmatically mix sine waves like
a Hammond Organ does - it may not be possible, but I'd like to give it a

I installed a trial version of Device Monitoring Studio,   see    which enables me
trap the raw data from the keyboard, and I'm able to identify which keys
are pressed or released, and also the keyboard sliders' movements and
slider positions.  For my purposes, that is all I need to extract from the
MIDI stream.

I then went on the Web to see if I could find examples of Macro code that
would enable my program to emulate what I had been able to do with Device
Monitoring Studio.  It turns out that USB coding is very complex and the
only examples I could find were in C, C++ or Visual Basic, none of which I
have, or have ever worked with.

I then had a look at LibreOffice 5.3 SDK API.  I believe that is the API
that Base uses, and over several years I have developed a number of
databases using macros that make calls to the API. One API service I found
was,,  which looks as though it might be what I need,
but I don't know if it would work with a USB port, and I could not find any
macro code examples that might point me in the right direction.

So my questions are -
1.  Does anyone know if it is possible to read from a USB port using a
LibreOffice macro utilising the API?  If so can you point me to some
example code (preferably in Basic)?
2.  Failing that, is there a simple application on the market that can read
a USB MIDI stream into a buffer or file?  I think Device Monitoring Studio
can do that, but it is expensive and has far more features than I'll ever

​Maybe I misunderstood something, but I don't see how this is related to
LibreOffice in any way. While it is true that it is possible to write
applications with LibreOffice to some extent, what you're describing would
be better done using anything else​.

Using Python with libusb could work, if you're looking for something quick
to implement and don't want to dwelve in compiled languages.

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