On 24/08/17 21:00, Regina Henschel wrote:
Steve Edmonds schrieb:
Just adding this in case another user has come across this situation.
In LO 5.3.3 Writer I found I could not change the palette or edit any
colours in Table>Properties>Background.
Yes, in that dialog you can only select a color from the currently
active palette. You have to change the palette before you open that
dialog. That is not new.
Changing the palette in Writer or Calc needs a trick: Draw a shape,
e.g. a rectangle, in its context menu use item Area. And there you can
change the palette. It will become the currently active palette for
the entire document. Afterward you can delete the shape.
This problem exists since the beginning of OpenOffice.
In newer LibreOffice versions is only the change, that you cannot have
several user defined palettes but only one. It is still possible to
have lot of palettes as common palettes, but they are not editable in
the UI.
Kind regards
I did see your explanation when I searched but it did not allow me to
change the colour (set a user defined colour) for the background of a
table. I created a custom palette with my colour but it did not stick
when I changed from the shape fill to the table background.
Regards, steve
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