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The Kompozer for Windows seems to be newer. My problems using Wine comes down to not figuring out how to setup and run Wine properly.

Does anyone like Komodo Edit?
It actually installed [via the Terminal sh command], so it does option up.

On 08/23/2017 04:46 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

On 24/08/17 08:24, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
Yes, I really miss Kompozer.

I have installed Bluefish and Bluegriffon.

For Quanta - I get a listing for "ubuntu-wallpaper-quantal" so it is either a typo or not in Ubuntu 16.04.

I just downloaded SeaMonkey from the updated "project". So I will see how it looks/feels. The documentation stated I have to run a script to open it, so I will have to find the launching system and add a launching icon for it.

Also, I have downloaded a few editors that I want to try, when I get some time this weekend.

Too bad that I do not use Windows anymore. I downloaded the newest Kompozer version for Windows.

Is there an updated version for windows, will it run under wine.

On 08/22/2017 06:31 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:
I was using Kompozer. I might try Quanta or Seamonkey which are in my repositories. I produce content snippets rather than complete pages and LO output took a lot of cleaning up when I tried that.

On 23/08/17 09:39, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 22/08/17 22:30, Tim-L--Elmira-NY wrote:
If other Linux users has some easy to use WYSIWYG editor, let me know.
I get on pretty well with Bluefish Editor. I'm currently using v2.2.10
in Ubuntu 16.04 with no problems.


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