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Can you replace the "\n" with a specific text and then have the "\n"? That would save a bunch of work on a project. I do not want to create a utility to do something like that.

On 08/22/2017 07:19 PM, Remy Gauthier wrote:

You can substitute any string of characters for a paragraph mark (the
result of hitting the "Return" key on your keyboard).  To do so, you
must enable regular expressions on the Search & Replace panel (open the
additional options) and then you set the replace string to "\n"
(without the quotes). If you want to insert a real line break (the
result of hitting "Shift Return" on your keyboard), you must use the
AltSearch extension available from
xtensions/alternative-dialog-find-replace-for-writer. This will allow
you to perform all sorts of substitutions of that nature fairly easily.

I hope this helps.

Rémy Gauthier.
Le mardi 22 août 2017 à 18:39 +0000, jonathon a écrit :

Is there a way to insert line breaks, using Search and Replace?  If
so, how?

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