On 20/08/2017 23:23, FHDATA wrote:
I use the Still version and it's been a couple of days
I switched to new Still release 5.3.5.x and I see
the row numbers getting smooshed together when
I scroll up-and-down (slow or fast does not matter).
makes it difficult to see row numbers or in general
to work on spreadsheet ....
small screen shot attached.
any thing can be done about this?
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Whilst I initially also experienced this issue, I found a work-around by
selecting the column of cells that was not displaying correctly and
Formatting the Cells i.e. no the column to keep the cell contents
aligned in the centre(H + V) and also to enable Word Wrap.
This has so fat cleared the problem for my application.
If it should happen again I will raise the necessary feature request on
Bugzilla with screen shots.
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