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On 20/08/2017 23:23, FHDATA wrote:


I use the Still version and it's been a couple of days
I switched to new Still release 5.3.5.x and I see
the row numbers getting smooshed together when
I scroll up-and-down (slow or fast does not matter).
makes it difficult to see row  numbers or in general
to work on spreadsheet ....

I have this issue as well with the Version:
Build ID: 50d9bf2b0a79cdb85a3814b592608037a682059d

If I insert details comprising text and numbers into a cell with centre alignment and word wrap ON the row height does NOT increase to accommodate the increased row height used for text that does not fit into the standard cell size.

Please advise as it is most annoying to keep resizing row height to accommodate the increased space taken by the wrapped input.

What gives as even if I format the entire column to have alignment centre and with wrapped text, there are still cells that do NOT increase in height to accommodate their content.

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