On 18.08.2017 15:57, Krunose wrote:
On 18.08.2017 11:41, Jonathan Allen wrote:
Hi All,
Why doesn't the page number format in the TOC follow the page numbers
on the pages? I have a series of roman-numerated pages (i-xiii)
followed by a block of conventional pages (1-...). The TOC has an
H1 entry for a roman page with the correct number, but shown as '3'
rather than 'iii'. How do I fix this?
First make custom numbering style and set numbers to be lower numerals.
Make new paragraph style that you will use on pages where you have
roman numerals as page numbers. You can base that custom style on the
style you're currently using.
When making new paragraph style, in tab Outline and numbering choose
numbering style you've made from a drop down in field Numbering style.
Use that paragraph style on pages with roman numerals.
When inserting table of contents, check Additional styles from a
dialog window. Click Add styles. Move your custom style to level one.
Click OK.
If you set everything as said here - you'll get desired results. Just
remember, your newly created style will just look like Heading 1, but
will actually be at text body level. That's a trade-off. If you set
custom style to level one in Tools → Outline and numbering, you won't
be able to use Heading 1.
It's not that complicated, just need to understand how the whole
system work.
There's more to it, more could be done, but this should suffice. More
explaining equals more complexity and more chance to get/do something
Ups, you need roman page numbers, not indication of heading level. What
tripped me is that it works without problem in my set up so I made wrong
assumption when skimming the text.
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