On 15-08-17 12:43, Brian Barker wrote:
At 12:14 15/08/2017 +0200, Wiebe van der Worp wrote:
Please also be aware of the fact that data itself is not copyrighted.
In other words, copying data to Calc and use it to create a graph and
an accompanying table should never be a problem - if my memory serves
me well.
This may be true in the USA (is it?), but a few seconds of web searching
shows this certainly not to be so in all jurisdictions. (The text on the
original chart was in French and the original enquirer wrote from a
French e-mail address.)
You're right about complexity and everyone should make a well thought
decision. I've asked a lawyer and translated his Dutch answer to English:
It's complicated. There are jurisdictions with a sweat-of-the-brow
copyright protection. Then there is the EU with its data bank protection
(in itself a wrong instrument) that has caused all kinds of weird sui
generis protection of data (such as the Dutch "geschriftenbescherming")
to be invalid.
I would not categorically dare to say that data by definition falls
outside the scope of copyright (within the EU it does, because of data
bank protection, which is something else (and complicated in its own way)).
Maybe this makes it a bit more clear:
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Re: [libreoffice-users] Simple way to draw graphs ? · Ricardo Berlasso
[libreoffice-users] Re: Simple way to draw graphs ? · Gilles
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