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On 15-08-17 09:34, Mike Scott wrote:
Gilles schrieb:

I'd like to use LO to redraw graphs scanned from a book, such at this


Can I also point out that LO isn't necessarily the correct tool? I've
lately discovered the joys of gnuplot -- more flexible than LO, and an
image created by it could of course be imported into an LO document.
And since it supports SVG, it can be post edited by Inkscape before
inserting it as razor sharp image (set term svg, set output
"yourfile.svg, before plot")

As others have pointed out, beware copyright of the data.

Please also be aware of the fact that data itself is not copyrighted. In
other words, copying data to Calc and use it to create a graph and an
accompanying table should never be a problem - if my memory serves me well.

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