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you can read system requirements for your linux and download it from
documentfoundation website.
you should dont have any problem.
which version you exactly downloaded and could not open?
As a general rule, you are recommended to install LibreOffice via the
installation methods recommended by your particular Linux distribution
(such as the Ubuntu Software Center, in the case of Ubuntu Linux).
This is because it is usually the simplest way to obtain an
installation that is optimally integrated into your system. Indeed,
LibreOffice may well be already installed by default when you
originally install your Linux operating system.
The community-supplied LibreOffice installers are provided for users
having special needs, and for out-of-the-ordinary cases.
The software and hardware prerequisites for installing on Linux are as follows:
• Linux kernel version 2.6.18 or higher
• glibc2 version 2.5 or higher
• gtk version 2.10.4 or higher
• Pentium-compatible PC (Pentium III, Athlon or more-recent system recommended)
• 256Mb RAM (512Mb RAM recommended)
• Up to 1.55Gb available hard disk space
• X Server with 1024x768 resolution (higher resolution recommended),
with at least 256 colors
• Gnome 2.16 or higher, with the gail 1.8.6 and at-spi 1.7 packages
(required for support for assistive technology [AT] tools), or another
compatible GUI (such as KDE, among others)
For certain features of the software - but not most - Java is
required. Java is notably required for Base.
It is a recommended best practice to back-up your system and data
before you remove or install software.

hope that help and God bless you!

On 8/13/17, Robert Großkopf <> wrote:
Hi Chaim,

I have an old computer (32 not 64) running Fedora. I updated to Fedora 26
and office 5. I cannot open the office at all. I tried re-installing and
didn't solve the problem.

Where have you downloaded LO from? Is it x86, not x86/64

Fedora is running with *.rpm-packages - right? You could download your
version from the link above.


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