I don't know what exactly Language settings require to LO
restart, but if you follow the steps that I suggested probably work
because It works for me and probably for you too as you told us.
Jorge Rodríguez
El 29/07/2017 a las 14:05, bunk3m escribió:
OK, a quick update.
I continued to fiddle with the language settings.
I'm not sure what I changed but LO said that the changes required a
restart. So I did the restart and now it works! I can't figure out
what exactly changed to cause the restart but it looks like it's OK
now. 1+1.5=2.5 again! Hurrah!
If you know what changes cause LO to require a restart to affect the
change, I would appreciate knowing. Then if this happens again I'll
know what to do.
Thank you Jorge, Regina and Brian!
On 29.07.2017 15:57, bunk3m wrote:
Hello Regina and Jorge,
Thank you for your help and suggestions. I apologize for the delay
as I didn't get the emails until I received the daily digest this
afternoon. I have quoted both your posts in order to keep them
together but this post is getting rather long.
I have tried your suggestions and I'm still unable to get a basic
decimal calculation to work.
But now I am getting "#NAME?" for the cell containing "=1+1.5".
Interestingly enough, if I put "=1+20" it does give me "21" as an
What it doesn't like about the decimal place I don't understand.
This is very strange.
I tried using a comma "," instead as a decimal separator but that
didn't work either.
Perhaps I should delete all the preferences and all the extensions in
the Application Support folder?? Then I would have a "new" install?
Thanks again and regards,
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