At 11:21 29/07/2017 -0700, Csanyi Pál wrote:
is there a way to highlight in a text in Writer
just nouns in an English text besides manually
select nouns? I mean is there such a tool to
highlight just nouns with one click? Or can I create a macro for this job?
This may be a more complicated task that you
imagine. Many words - in the sense of a
particular strings of letters - may exist as
words as more than one part of speech. If you
detected nouns by looking words up in a
dictionary of nouns, you would also catch many
occurrences of words that were spelled
identically to nouns but were actually serving
as, say, verbs or adjectives in your text. In
other words, you would need something that could
reliably analyse the grammar of your text in
order to detect whether the relevant words were
being used as nouns or as something else in each occurrence.
For example, the short text of your own enquiry
above has a number of words whose parts of speech
could be misinterpreted without grammatical
analysis. There are some words which are nouns in
your text but which could also be other parts of speech:
click: could also be a verb
job: could also be a verb
macro: could also be an adjective
text: could also be a verb
tool: could also be a verb
way: could also be an adverb
And there are words which are not nouns in your
text but which could be in another context (so
would be detected as false positives):
can: a verb in your text but can also be a noun
English: a verb in your text but can also be a noun (or adjective)
highlight: a verb in your text but can also be a noun
mean: a verb in your text but can also be a noun (or adjective)
one: an adjective (determiner) in your text but can also be a noun
I trust this helps.
Brian Barker
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