Le 24/07/2017 à 17:18, Joshua Kramer a écrit :
Hi Joshua,
Is it possible to either have a small (less than 50 records) database
in a Writer document, or embed an ODB database right in the document
(instead of having it be in an external file)?
No and no, respectively.
From what I understand, it is now possible to have a mailmerge Writer
document that contains the data referenced by the mailmerge stored
within the Writer document. Whether or not this successfully transfers
over to another machine is something I haven't tested.
I have a document that has two different views of the same data.
Right now I'm doing everything by hand, which is error-prone and
In what sense are you talking about views ? Do you mean actual database
views in the classical DBA sense, or do you mean some graphical
representation of the data in a formatted Writer document ?
portable, i.e. if I want someone else to edit this file I can just
send one file containing both the writer document and the database.
So unless I have really misunderstood what it is you are attempting to
achieve, you can already do this with just a single ODB file.
The ODB file can contain a series of queries, views (in the DBA sense of
the word), Writer forms displaying data either obtained from views or
queries, and even reports. This file can be sent to other users who can
then edit it to their heart's content.
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