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Did you try to deliver these manuals as pdf ?

How do the users copy to html? Using the LO menu "Save as"? or selectng, then "Edition>Copy" .....?

Je la 24/07/2017 16:48, anne-ology skribis :
        From my experience,
           I would say you've uncovered a 'bug' since the name of the image
should only appear if the image cannot for some reason.

        Here's hoping you can find a solution anon,

From: gordon cooper <>
Date: Sun, Jul 23, 2017 at 5:23 PM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Unwanted Alternative Image Names

We are using Libre Office in the writing of technical manuals
where some users make html copies.

Finding that the file names of images are being displayed
beside or below the images in the html versions. Because
all images are given a caption, we do not want the file names too.

  I can remove them by going to each image Properties>Options
and deleting one at a time but this is time consuming when there are
many images - over 100 in one manual.  Is there a setting that can
automatically prevent the file names being displayed?

Have looked through the Help but found nothing, did I overlook it?

Tauranga N.Z.

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