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2017-06-09 3:50 GMT+02:00 Keith Bates <>:

Any ideas about how to make it work? Keep in mind that I have no access to
their computer outside of my lesson time.

​Saving to .ppt will only work with a basic set of features (and I doubt
embedding video is part of it).
There's also the issue of having the mean of reading the video itself
(software like VLC will happily read anything you throw at it, WMP not so

​Without more details about the installation, it's hard to say, but a good
way to make sure it works would be to:
- Install LibreOffice Portable on a USB stick (when I say "install", it
mostly means "copy over")
- Save your file as .odt to keep all of your presentation

Assuming you can start software from the USB stick (some places restrict
that), it should provide you a mostly sure way of reading presentations on
a Windows machine.
However, video embedding is always tricky; it'd be better if you could
check that your file (container, codec, etc.) works fine on said machine.
If it works once, it'll always work, but it might depends on the Windows
version. From this
old internet post, on Windows it uses DirectShow, which might or might not
support some video formats.

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