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Earlier this week, I produced a presentation with embedded video for use in a school classroom (NSW Department of Education, in case anyone has personal knowledge of their set-up). I am using Libre Office 5.3 and Ubuntu 17.04.

I checked that the presentation worked, including the video. I saved it in .ppt format onto a USB stick with the video file, "just in case". This turned out to be a good thing.

The classroom has an old version of MS Office (2010, I think I saw), a projector and a smart board. I don't know what version of Windows they are running.

When I ran the presentation, everything went as expected. Touching the white board progressed the slides as expected. However I couldn't get the video to work from within the presentation, and had to run it from the media player.

It's not a big problem, and I can work around it, but when you have a classroom of Year 4 and 5 kids, you don't want to get too distracted by the technology.

Any ideas about how to make it work? Keep in mind that I have no access to their computer outside of my lesson time.


God bless you
Keith Bates
Narrabri NSW

Jesus is the Way
the Truth and the Life

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