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Thank-you for the time and response

On 08/05/2017 08:54, Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
Not sure if I fully understand what you are looking at,
but here is what I have attempted.
Assuming you column data is:
A is month
B is day of Month
C is the rain on day in 2016
D is the rain on day in 2017

Correct :)

I've added Column E and Column F to be real date value.
E2 =DATE(2016,MATCH(A2,$G$1:$G$12),B2)
F2 =DATE(2017,MATCH(A2,$G$1:$G$12),B2)

This turns out to be a problem as I am working with five(5) years of data and whilst my example did not shot it there are multiple values under each month, even if it is zero.

I don't think five columns of dates is a smart way to do this.
I am rather going to investigate making my date column a rolling year numeric month/day for 365 rows, with the columns being divided into years.


Date    2016    2017    2018
0101    0       1       5
0102    1       0       0
0103    0       5       10
0501    1       0       0
0922    5       1       1
3112    0       1       0

I then reckon use of MATCH, DAYS, COUNTIF and SUM should deliver what I seek.

Your thoughts on how to get the rows in a column formatted as Date to show a sequential month and day number?

I have Bcc'd you as the message contain an attachment of my existing sheet.


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