2017-04-16 20:45 GMT+02:00 QC <quiet.celt@gmail.com>:
Ah, well that didn't work. I can save as xlsx, and it preserves the sheet.
I can then embed it into a .docx file, but if I save it or "save a copy",
it converts it to an image. Not the behavior one would expect. This really
seems like a bug to me. Saving an embedded object should preserve the type
of embedded object.
Even if I link to the external object it still flattens it to a graphic.
What!? It destroys the link! That is not standard behavior! That is a bug
for sure.
Does that happen in the latest version of Libre Office? I'm not thrilled
at the idea of pinning to a newer version of Libre Office, but if it fixes
this bug I'd do it.
Thanks for responding with your experience, QC ! Alas I've never
encountered your problem, so my suggestion was not based on any concrete
experience on my part. Too bad it didn't work....
My suspcion is that the embedding process works differently in LO than in
MS Office, which may explain - but, unfortunately not resolve - your
problem. I doubt that using the latest stable version of LO - -
would make any difference, but it would be interesting to learn if, in the
event you were to save the document in .odt format, the embedded
spreadsheet would still be converted into an image....
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