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No, I use Libre Office, and used Open Office for years before that to make
my invoices. One of my clients started complaining after upgrading to
Office 2013 that my older exported from LO to a Word 97 format wouldn't
display, or display properly. Not sure exactly what his issue is. I have
seen a similar issue when importing from ODF into Google Docs. It does
funky things, but the spreadsheet remains a spreadsheet, however the
document the layout is completely messed up.

So since my client can't read the LO document "saved as" a Word 97
document, I started saving in the latest Office layout that LO allows. It
was then this saved layout, that I discovered a few days ago is converting
the speadsheet to an image. I discovered it when opening one in LO to make
copy some data from, after accidentally overwriting the previous ODF

Rather, than pulling from a backup.

I will attempt your suggestion to save the spreadsheet as an xlsx, and try
importing into a docx file. It would mean switching to a .docx template,
rather than an ODF template.  But if it works so be it.

On Sun, Apr 16, 2017 at 11:37 AM, M Henri Day <> wrote:

2017-04-16 17:30 GMT+02:00 QC <>:

On Sat, Apr 15, 2017 at 11:02 AM, Johnny Rosenberg <>

The document is created in Writer. It has Text, a table and an embedded
spreadsheet. I got it from and OO/LO template document years ago. I've
tweaked it somewhat, but not much.  I open it in Writer, paste in the
relevant charges from my Tracking spreadsheet, save it to a new filename,
and then save a copy in Office format for my clients, who use Word and
Microsoft Office. I can't dictate to paying clients what software to use
open my invoices.

I can't just send it in ODF. Unless MS Office has suddenly decided to
support reading ODF files. Last time I tried it didn't.  I could send it
PDF, and will if I have no other choice. If LO can't export a simple
spreadsheet embedded in a document to a current MS format, or read back
what it wrote, then they should not be included as options to export to.

I use this system for my business. It has to work, or I have to use
something else.


QC, perhaps I misunderstand you, but you seem to be saving what originally
was a .doc file in .docx format, because as you say above, «[t]he older
Word 97 format is not readable anymore by one of my customers». I was quite
surprised to read that, as I had laboured under the understanding that even
the latest editions of MS Office could still successfully open files in
.doc (and for that matter, .xls) format. Could it be that your attempts to
save the file in .docx format is what led the embedded spreadsheet (which I
presume was originally in .xls format) to be converted to an image (in
which format ?) ?...

Perhaps to get 'round your present difficulty you could open the embedded
spreadsheet in .xls format and then attempt to save it in .xlsx format. If
that can be done successfully, perhaps you could replace the embedded
version with the new version ?...

Good luck !


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