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Playing with the calculate decimal seconds I came across an interesting thing, is it a bug, I am not sure.

Tested in LO 5.2, Linux and Win7.

If you create a list of times say 02:58.03, etc. down from A1
In the column next (B) enter =A1 and copy down. Format as [SS].00 so it shows column A as seconds.

I am attempting to copy those seconds and paste elsewhere on the sheet as just numbers in seconds. I can't seem to do this directly. I can copy and paste into writer as HTML and I get those seconds in a table. I can then copy the table back into calc as numbers. In linux the numbers of seconds are copied to Klipper (the KDE clipboard if it is still called that) and I can paste back as a text import which is convenient for linux users.

Is there a way within Calc (as windows doesn't have klipper) to paste the numbers only as displayed. They paste as numbers as displayed into other applications such as notepad so they are available for pasting from the clipboard.


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