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       BTW - for all who keep (or are considering keeping) their data
on-line, consider this:
          what would you do if that storage company were to change?, or go
out of business?
          what would you do if the power grid went out, leaving you with no
access to your data?

From: Tom Davies <>
Date: Sun, Feb 12, 2017 at 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] about libreoffice online which is
introduced in version 5.3
To: nasrin khaksar <>
Cc: Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>, "" <>

Hi :)
Don't worry about trying to use the on-line version.  I think most of us
appreciate that having something installed on your own machine is often
better.  many of us will probably never use the online version so it's not
something you have to learn.

Sorry i have not answered other emails.  I have a lot of off-line work to
do and rarely get time to read my emails.  You seem to be doing a great job
which i'm sure is appreciated.

Good luck and many regards from
Tom :)

On 8 February 2017 at 09:45, nasrin khaksar <>

hi tom.
thanks for responding me and your help.
i dont use online cloud and i am not familiar with them.
i only wanted to become familiar with libreoffice online which is
introduced in version 5.3
thanks so much again and God bless you.
also, i sent many emails for you outside group and did not recieve
your response.
i am waiting for you and God bless you.

On 2/4/17, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster <>
Yes, that is an option.  I have a lady in my apartment building that
sends me emails to help he deal with her Google Docs she is creating.
She prefers dealing with Google Docs over anything other method for
creating/editing documents or shared editing of documents.

Of course, I hope to look into the LO online options after a few months
after the roll-out.

I will be happy when both the online and Android options are out and
working well.  Hopefully the Android creations/editing option would be
available by the end of the year.  That will have a limited or full
package in all major market platforms, - except Apple's phone/tablet iOS
- it will be a great day for our local marketing activities.  Most
people I know do not have Apple's tablet[s] for personal or business
activities.  So, it will great to say to my contacts, here is one
solution for all your platforms.

On 02/03/2017 05:31 PM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
There is always Google Docs.  Very limited functionality but it means
don't have to install it on your machine = just use it in your
web-browser.  Personally i prefer to have something that is installed
machine so that i can work off-line.
I think you can login and use them even if you don't have a Gmail
but they just want to know what your email address is so that you can
to your own documents.  If they ask you to give them a password then i
think you make up a new one instead of giving them the one you use to
into your emails.

We don't have much control over how the official LibreOffice website
appears.  There is a separate mailing list for that, something like;

I'm not sure about restrictions as each place seems to do restrictions
differently from each other.
Regards from
Tom :)

On 2 February 2017 at 19:35, Cley Faye <> wrote:

2017-02-02 19:53 GMT+01:00 nasrin khaksar <>:

i tried this link, but without any success.

​I'm not sure about the rest of your post (restrictions etc.) but that
is about the docker image directly. Docker is a tool made to deploy
a specific ways. It might be possible to use LibreOffice online in
ways, but there's no obvious ways to do it without docker.

You can (hopefully) find more info about using LibreOffice Online​ at . For starters, know that it's
completely separate from a regular LibreOffice installation. Work on
CODE/LibreOffice Online started a while ago, but it's probably not
useful/very useable with previous versions. And it also depends on
other components to actually manage user files, but that's covered on
link I gave you.

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