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Dear list,

I would like to find information about a couple of things related to
dictionaries. The context is LibreOffice 5.2 on Linux.

* Where are dictionary files stored when installed system-wide (so not
user-specific)? In my Linux distribution (Gentoo), LibreOffice looks in
the /usr/share/myspell directory and there picks up dictionaries named
xx_YY, but not others, such as xx or xx-zzzzz.

* Given that oxt extension files dictionaries are typically made
available as contain dictionaries.xml and dictionaries.xcu files that
seem to be used by LibreOffice to correctly label them and associate
locales with, where should these files be put if the dictionaries are
installed system-wide? I've seen that user-specific, they are apparently
put in (for me) in locations such as
which does not give an indication where they should be put system-wide.

* What files are effectively required by LibreOffice for proper
functioning dictionaries. I know that putting xx_YY.aff and xx_YY.dic
files and such in /usr/share/myspell makes them available, but I have
the impression that this in an incomplete way, and that, e.g., the xcu
and xml files should be made available as well. Is this true and are
there others?

* Can dictionaries of the form xx or xx-zzzzz be used by LibreOffice, or
is a _YY region identifier really needed?



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