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Having spent a lifetime in problem handling and feature request I do not agree with Tom.

Here's my take-

- Anything that used to work and doesn't anymore is a bug (introduced by an update). Of course set 
aside features which are announced to be obsolete. 
- Anything not working which is supposed to work according requirements and/or documentation
- Anything that causes LO to crash

Feature requests:
- Anything that is not in requirements and/or documentation
- Anything users can't reasonably expect to work, but is desirable

As such, bugs need to be solved (since they shouldn't be there in the first place :-)).
Feature requests on the other hand is, once approved, new work in the pipeline, and we have to see 
when and if developers get time for it.


On 4 feb. 2017, at 16:37, M Henri Day wrote:

2017-02-03 20:13 GMT+01:00 James E. Lang <>:

That's an interesting point of view Tom.

In my opinion any unannounced regression is a proper subject for a bug
report and a new capability is the subject for a feature request. But, I'm
not a developer.

It would be nice if ordinary dictionary definitions applied to the words


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Davies <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 7:44
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO 5.3 glitches

Hi :)
Right now is a good time to post bug-reports and "feature requests".

"Feature requests" are what most 'normal' (ie non-devs) of us think of as
bugs.  It includes features that used to work but now don't and features
that don't quite work at all.

"Bug reports" are only things that cause the program or entire system to
crash (or that escalate privileges to super-users/ super-user/
administrator - but as normal users we probably wouldn't notice such
escalation).  In chatting with each other we often call things "bugs" or
say a thing is "buggy" but if it doesn't crash the system or cause it to
close unexpectedly, then it doesn't fit the developers notion of "bug", so
there is no point posting a bug-report about it - instead post as a

Similarly with the term "stable".  However badly a thing behaves, such as
familiar functionality suddenly not working, then the devs don't think of
that as showing the program is unstable.  A program is only unstable if it
crashes (or maybe that escalation thing) or if it crashes the whole
system.  LibreOffice is particularly unlikely to do either of those things
- there is a measurement of that sort of stability and LibreOffice scores
extraordinarily highly, far above much more respected or well-known

It is nice to hear about good&bad issues with new the branch of LibreOffice
as it allows us to be better prepared for the questions that 'normal' users
are likely to ask on this mailing list.  However reporting an issue to this
mailing list is extremely unlikely to result in the issue being (what we
would probably refer to as being) fixed.

Right now is probably the best time for doing proper bug-reports and
feature-requests because it's the time when the greatest percentage of devs
are focused on this branch and most interested in it's outcomes.

Regards from
Tom :)

​The usage with which I am familiar corresponds to that mentioned by James
above ; i e, ​
​«any unannounced regression is a proper subject for a bug report and a new
capability is the subject for a feature request»​


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