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       Ah, so glad your computer is back with its files intact.

       And thank you for letting me know.

From: Gareth Walters <>
Date: Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: Access to Libre Office files
To: anne-ology <>

Thanks for getting back to me. A friend suggested I switch the computer off
then on again to re-boot it, which I did and was then able to access all my
Libre Office files! Sorry, I am a bit of a dunce when it comes to computers!

Many thanks again,


On January 30, 2017 at 3:43 PM anne-ology <> wrote:

       maybe I can help -

          did you perchance save this document in an unknown format? -
         there are numerous extensions of which you can choose, but some
might not work with your particular set-up/machine.

          do you still have the original document?

          do you have a .txt document on your machine?

       If you somehow saved it to an unknown format, possibly you can
re-save it correctly then all might be a-ok.

       If you open it in a .txt document, then hopefully all you would
do/re-do would be to reformat the document.

       If you have the original document, then you could just start over.

From: Gareth Walters <>
Date: Sun, 29 Jan 2017 12:11:05 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Lacl of Access to Libre Office files
Good morning.

I can't get seem to get into my Libre Office documents today. I can open
other documents and can get the internet. Can you suggest anything to
resolve this, please? I am working on a transcript of a meeting which I
would like to finish and circulate as soon as possible.

Many thanks

Gareth Walters

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